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Trusted Car Engine Repair Service!

This is no laughing matter. Asking your local mechanic to inspect, and possibly repair your engine is a big decision.  Here at Schindler's Garage, we believe taking care of your vehicle's engine will give your car the greatest chance of lasting for the long haul.

Certified Engine Repair Technicians!

Simply put, with something as important as car engine repair, trusted certified technicians should be what you expect.  Here's how we can help;

  • Quality engine repair parts
  • We follow engine service guidelines recommended by the manufacturer
  • We even back our work with an industry-leading warranty
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Trusted Car Engine Repair Service!

This is no laughing matter. Asking your local mechanic to inspect, and possibly repair your engine is a big decision.  Here at Schindler's Garage, we believe taking care of your vehicle's engine will give your car the greatest chance of lasting for the long haul.

Certified Engine Repair Technicians!

Simply put, with something as important as car engine repair, trusted certified technicians should be what you expect.  Here's how we can help;

  • Quality engine repair parts
  • We follow engine service guidelines recommended by the manufacturer
  • We even back our work with an industry-leading warranty
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Joe Schindler
Schindler’s GarageSchindler’s Garage in Floyds Knobs, IN


3518 Paoli Pike, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119812-944-5727joeschindler@schindlersgarage.com
Mon:07:00am - 05:00pm
Tue:07:00am - 05:00pm
Wed:07:00am - 05:00pm
Thu:07:00am - 05:00pm
Fri:07:00am - 05:00pm
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